Pure Clear, founded by Mike Rushton in the summer of 2022, emerged from a career steeped in critical skills and experiences. Mike's journey began over 20 years ago when he joined the military, gaining expertise in firefighting during 'Operation Fresco' in 2002, where the military stepped in for the striking Fire Brigade. As a member of the Breathing Apparatus Rescue Team (BART) and a responder to road traffic collisions, Mike honed his skills in high-stakes environments.

His career advanced as he became part of the Royal Navy’s firefighting crew on Type 42 Destroyers and Aircraft Carriers. Following an injury that ended his military tenure, Mike channeled his knowledge of breathing apparatus into managing a multi-million-pound prison service contract across England, Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. Here, he trained prison staff in CSRE (Cell Snatch and Rescue) techniques, teaching them to navigate toxic environments with specialist respiratory protection.

Mike's deep understanding of filtration principles led him to a design company specialising in respiratory products, where his expertise was crucial in developing various market-leading items. His reputation earned him a role advising the safety team of the Bloodhound LSR Project for the 2019 land speed record attempt in South Africa. He trained the team on chemical breathing apparatus, underscoring his authority in the field.

Beyond this, Mike has consulted for national water utility companies like United Utilities, Welsh Water, and Wessex Water on operating in confined spaces, and he continues to hold his RPE fit2fit accreditation. With a profound grasp of filtration technology, Mike, supported by a team of designers responsible for the Armed Forces General Service Respirator (GSR), set out to revolutionise the water filtration industry.

Motivated by the high prices and limited functionality of existing water filtration brands, Mike founded Pure Clear to provide advanced filtration solutions accessible to everyone. Pure Clear’s mission is to offer high-quality, affordable filtration products, enabling beginners and families with limited budgets to enjoy clean, safe water outdoors.

In recognition of its innovative contributions, Pure Clear Filters Ltd received the 2024 Global Recognition Award for its impact on the water hydration industry. This accolade highlights the company's commitment to making clean water accessible to all. Under Mike Rushton’s visionary leadership, Pure Clear achieved remarkable success, posting impressive annual revenue in its first year and setting a new standard in the water filtration market.